Projector Shroud Guide
Selecting the right projector shroud is crucial when having a set custom built to your liking. This will determine how mild or wild your headlight build will be! Please understand that the shroud is solely for looks and provides no increase or decrease in headlight performance. All shrouds are also included in the cost of your unique build, so make your selection freely.
If you’re looking for something as OEM+ as possible, we recommend any of the Apollo series shrouds. These shrouds have minimal vents and keep the flare to an absolute minimum.
For those of you looking to add halos to your headlights, selecting a shroud with large acrylic vents is paramount. This is what’s going to allow your halos to shine and bring your headlights to life. We recommend the Panamera series, Turbine, or Mini turbine shroud for the best results here.